josiah+co. Blog — Grief Challenge
'Good Grief' Challenge: Day 5 // Your Grief Community
Melissa Sulley

We all need people in our corner. People who understand our journey, or at least aspects of it. There is something healing about being seen and heard; having our stories validated. Being able to speak with no filters, and share all our raw thoughts and emotions with no judgement. When I experienced our first loss I didn’t know anyone else around me who had experienced a similar journey; until I started talking about it. As I shared my story, other people began sharing their stories with me and I was able to build a community around myself with people...
'Good Grief' Challenge: Day 4 // Your Grief Feels
Melissa Sulley

We are often way too hard on ourselves when we are grieving. We are our own worst critics. We wonder why we are feeling the way we are, or tell ourselves to stop being sad and just be happy. We get mad at ourselves when we feel angry, or feel guilty when we let joy in. We wonder why we are feeling this way and why we aren’t “better” yet. Grief doesn’t just go away. We will heal and the sting will lessen with time, but the grief will still be there. It becomes integrated into our lives. Be...
'Good Grief' Challenge: Day 3 // Your Grief Healing
Melissa Sulley

Your body is not broken; you are not to blame. We often place blame on ourselves, or our bodies (especially in regards to pregnancy + infant loss). We wonder what we did wrong or what we could have done to prevent the loss. We feel as though our bodies have failed us, or that we have failed others. We can find countless ways to blame ourselves. Often we blame ourselves for not taking the right vitamins, or drinking that extra cup of coffee. We think of all the things we should have said or done to prevent our loss. We...
'Good Grief' Challenge: Day 2 // Your Grief Truths
Melissa Sulley

People may tell us that we are too much, or that we are being over the top with our grief. Some people may ask us why we haven’t moved on yet, or that our situation really isn't that bad. We may be told to “just get over it” and move on with life. Friend… no one can tell you how to grieve, or how long you should be grieving. Everyone grieves in their own timing and in their own way. When I was grieving the loss of our son Josiah, I was told the grief I was feeling was...
'Good Grief' Challenge: Day 1 // Your Grief Journey
Melissa Sulley

What is your grief story? How have you been acquainted with grief? Did you lose someone you love? Did a relationship end? Do you look in the mirror and grieve who you once were? Are you grieving racial injustice? Are you grieving senseless deaths that should not have happened? What is your journey with grief? Today, if it’s not too painful, I want you to walk us through your grief journey. My journey with grief started when my step-father passed away unexpectedly in 2008. I had no idea what to do with my grief so I ignored it and...