josiah+co. Blog — Guest Post
The Shittiest Club Around - Jason's Story
Grief Guest Post Loss Parenting after loss Pregnancy and loss awareness Support
Melissa Sulley

Three years ago, I joined the shittiest club in the world. I thought this club would make me "better." You know, heal all the wounds I had experienced; whatever that means. I'm getting ahead of myself though - you see, three years ago we lost a child. We already had two healthy, alive children, and we weren't expecting anything different with this one either. My wife was eight days overdue with our third, and we were prepared. The kids were ready, the room and crib were prepared, the holy-shit-it's-time-hospital bag was packed and ready to go. We were ready. Until...
The Middle - Aly's Story
faith Grief Guest Post Loss Miscarriage Miscarriage Awareness Motherhood Parenting after loss Pregnancy and loss awareness Resources Support
Melissa Sulley

Loosing Lyric + Finding Jesus - Kayla's Story
faith Guest Post Loss Miscarriage Miscarriage Awareness Motherhood October Parenting after loss Pregnancy after loss Pregnancy and loss awareness Resources Support
Melissa Sulley
In honour of Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month, we are honoured to share Kayla Leskiw's story with you. Kayla is a Christ Follower, a wife, and a mother. Her and her husband, Branton, have three children Heaven-side (Lyric, Arianna & Lael), and they just welcomed their Rainbow Baby, Orlo, earlier this year. Kayla is passionate about health & wellness, and she radiates hope, joy and life.
This is her story.
Riley & Spencer - Laney's Story
Guest Post Loss Miscarriage Miscarriage Awareness Motherhood Pregnancy after loss Pregnancy and loss awareness twins
Melissa Sulley

In honour of Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness month, we are honoured to share Laney's story with you. Laney is a wife, preemie parent, and loss survivor. She is mom to Brynn (7), Josephine (4), and Walter (1), and her two Heaven Babies Riley & Spencer.
This is her story.