josiah+co. Blog — Support

The Silent Griefs: Exploring the Ripple Effects of Loss

Melissa Sulley Deconstruction Divorce faith Grief Loss Miscarriage Parenting after loss Secondary Losses Support

The Silent Griefs: Exploring the Ripple Effects of Loss

When we think of grief, we often think of the immediate, tangible losses: a loved one, a relationship, or a dream. But what about the grief that hides in the shadows? The parts of our lives that quietly unravel in the aftermath of loss?

These are the silent griefs. The ones no one talks about.

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5 Ways to Support Others through Pregnancy & Infant Loss

Melissa Sulley Grief Pregnancy + Infant Loss Support

5 Ways to Support Others through Pregnancy & Infant Loss

At some point in our lives we will be faced with supporting a friend through loss. Even though grief is inevitable in all of our lives, we are left wondering "What should I say?" "What should I do?" "How can I support my friend?" Here is a list of 5 ways you can support others through loss.   1. Practice Empathy Be empathic, not sympathetic. Be willing to sit in the roughness of grief, don't sugarcoat it. Let them know their feelings are valid, and you are holding space for them. Watch the video by Bréne Brown on empathy - it’s an...

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My Top 6 Grief Essentials

Melissa Sulley Grief Miscarriage Pregnancy + Infant Loss Resources Stillbirth Support

My Top 6 Grief Essentials

We all will experience grief of sorts in our life and yet it is rarely talked about. So when we are confronted with grief we often don’t know how to navigate through it, we get stuck. I’ve been journeying through grief now for 12 years. My journey started when my step-father passed away suddenly in 2008 and has continued these past 6 years as I’ve navigated through recurrent second-trimester pregnancy loss. I’m well acquainted with grief; we’ve become good buddies butting heads every now and then.  As I’ve navigated through this journey here are a few things that have been...

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The Shittiest Club Around - Jason's Story

Melissa Sulley Grief Guest Post Loss Parenting after loss Pregnancy and loss awareness Support

The Shittiest Club Around - Jason's Story

Three years ago, I joined the shittiest club in the world. I thought this club would make me "better." You know, heal all the wounds I had experienced; whatever that means. I'm getting ahead of myself though - you see, three years ago we lost a child. We already had two healthy, alive children, and we weren't expecting anything different with this one either. My wife was eight days overdue with our third, and we were prepared. The kids were ready, the room and crib were prepared, the holy-shit-it's-time-hospital bag was packed and ready to go. We were ready. Until...

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The Middle - Aly's Story

Melissa Sulley faith Grief Guest Post Loss Miscarriage Miscarriage Awareness Motherhood Parenting after loss Pregnancy and loss awareness Resources Support

The Middle - Aly's Story

Often, we hear stories about pregnancy loss after there’s a happy ending, redemption…a rainbow baby that eases the pain after the storm. There is a definite need for people to hear these stories. They have a place, and they give a sense of hope to families who have lost their unborn babies. These are the types of stories that got me through my first miscarriage. Knowing that this is fairly common (1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage), and that there was light at the end of the tunnel was promising.

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